Difficulties abound with the concept of leaving the final due dates for major portfolios hand-in until as late as possible. These difficulties include:
- Students tend to take time out of the practical experiences in the workshop (which is where they get evidence to complete 'portfolio of evidence') in order to rush portfolio docs. (poor scheduling)
- Students therefore need to be aware of their efficient use of time planning throughout the year in both allowing time for the practical 'timetabled' contact and the self directed time needed to complete portfolio building reflection and readings. (This is pointed out to them often but...)
- Students' tend to bring late or very late work to their tutors on or near the last day of the course. This is unacceptable but... Do we follow Unitec policy or allow some slack? How would i feel if I worked hard to complete on time and then find a 'slacker' had been allowed to hand work in late? Student success and retention? is it a real record?
These reflections are the sort of issue the students are well aware of. Some, indeed, play up/take advantage of the complexities involved to gain some leverage. Tutors, after all, are not policemen.
I need to address these issues before I 'kick off' with next years' group.
The down side for this year is...We lost approx three weeks work in finishing the Wilson 8M Launch. This takes some of the gloss off an otherwise terrific project.
