Thursday, March 24, 2011

Intro to Boatbuilding concludes. 24-3-2011

Oh well My group is finished and I have know doubt Matts' guys will finish their tasks well.

There have (as usual) seen a number of both good and poor quality finishes to the tasks. From my perspective the good thing is that, even in the case of a disaster (and most students will experience at least one) the learning is happening.
Student reflections on 'what went wrong' have been honest and the critical analysis is starting to happen.
I've missed a couple of mistakes through being called away to meetings, but 'all in all' I've asked a lot of my group and you've all responded well.
I'm very happy that all students are aware of the absolute need to be safety conscious around the workshop at all times.
This leads us into the next stage of responsibility where students' take control of their 'sign in' JSA (Job Safety Analysis) sheets each morning as a prompt to keep thinking about safety.
I still insist that if a student needs to use a power tool or Woodworking machine out of my line of sight I must be informed and 'IF' I give my approval for the student to proceed, he must be accompanied by another student to go through a 'safety steps' discussion before starting the machine.

I'm absolutely "Rapped" at the beginnings of the Trade Term WIKI. It looks like we'll have plenty to discuss.
There are dangers in getting too 'wide' in the topics, but I'd rather see students' overreaching than not stetching out at all.
I'm probably a little impatient also, as I've been waiting to use this resource with a student group.
Last year it was introduced a little too late in the year to be really effective and we used (in hindsight) the wrong Web 2.0 tool.
Blogs are starting to appear and I've read some good stuff. It surprises me how many students' are happy to follow other group members Blogs right from the start. It is abit more open already than the Blogging experienced with last years group. Good on you all.

Finally, Hoff asked me if I'd care to outline my background somewhat as I have asked you all to do for me with the L4L Welcome document directive where you gave me three paragraphs (from a suggested writing frame)  your Drafts, Editing and Publishing skills are then used as a sample we can evaluate for you, to look for any "at risk" signs that may then suggest we help you with a learning intervention.
Be aware it will be some time before I've gone through this whole process, and if I see any danger signs I will only approach a student on these matters with the 'Strictest Confidentiality'.

Well as I told Hoff, I'm happy to give you some background but you may have to wait for a while.

It is likely I'll just post it in this Blog on a separate page titled:
About Me

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Intro to Boatbuilding Update 21-3-11

I've been a bit remiss in updating last weeks activities.
The toolboxes are now completed and we went through the peer and tutor grading process today.
Some guys where dreading it. generally I find students tend to mark themselves and colleagues more stringently than tutors do. (but don't take liberties)
Some pretty good boxes with the odd 'roughy'. Very encouraging to see James get stuck in again.

The next thing I'm hoping to see is some Blog entries that firstly record the activities involved in producing the toolboxes and then some reflective comments on "What I Learned" from the experience. This we call "Reflection" and you may be surprised how similar your experiences are to other members of the group. You'll never know until you post it in your Blog.

A hold up in the delivery process of Victorian Oak for the Oilstone boxes meant we started the Trammels out of sequence but the team came to grips with this well.

I believe a greater disturbance to our work-flow has been the need for me to attend  various"meetings", when my preference is to be doing the contact teaching. Here I have support of my CAT Boatbuilding teaching colleagues.
I do wonder what students' think of meetings eating into their tutors contact time with them? Hmmm.

Trade Terms. WIKI.

Some students have migrated into posting some pages in the Wiki, but we need more.
I must establish a Rubric (have colleagues helping me get this right) that shows students the value/relevance in doing this.
I've asked, at his stage, for each student to post 'Naming' word (e.g Chisel) and one 'Action' word per week in order to get the ball rolling. As the programme progresses this requirement will increase, so please get into it now while you have time to develop skills.

Finally, this Wednesday I need to get a sign-off from all students for their attendance to date.
Matthew and I have kept stringent details and the Management team need to see these signed off.

From this point onwards students have been directed to read and sign the Job Safety analysis sheet every morning before touching any tools. You should be pleased to have reached this stage as it indicates that I trust you more fully with shop machines. It is also a responsibility you must take seriously.
Health and Safety is paramount in all workshops.
It is then totally appropriate to have a CAT student Challenge a BAT student for entering the workshop in "Jandals".
Nice one Ogi.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pre-Week 2 info.

I thought it appropriate to note here for any students' that are racing ahead and setting up blogs.
"Bogger" is the application I wish you to use. It is found within the Google g-mail system by going to "more' then "even more" in the file menu line.
The "Blogger" application registration is very straight forward to action. Again keep everything G-mail oriented please.

Please! name the blog with your name first and Unitec in the title e.g. BRETTUNITEC.
This will aid me in being able to manage the large number of blogs our groups produce.
I don't like missing anyone out.

Finally... a good number of you have already made a g-mail account and I thank you. In the interest of building a good group environment lets be sure to get everyone on board before we get too deeply into our use of the Web 2.0 Tools.

Anyone that wants an extra curricular activity might investigate the many different Web 2.0 "Cloud" bookmarking applications available and share your findings in class.
I've used Diigo, Delicious, feedsquares and dropbox.
I've also just been informed that "Googlebookmarks" is a very sound application also.I've not used it so I'll look at it over the weekend and evaluate for myself.
(quite likely the one to use as the person that suggested I look at it is a bit of a wiz)


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

1st Week UNITEC Boatbuilding CAT group 2011

Well...... we're off on another year. The new team has started well.
I had both groups combine (Groups 1&2) on their first day.
Canvassing the possibility of us having the freedom of laptop computing is looking good with all students quite OK with the need to have a laptop computer in order to be compatible with each other and "on the same page" as it were.

Students' were asked to create a Google g-mail account using their initials and unitec as the user name.
This is intended as a 'Community of Practice' (COP) concept where, when we are concentrating on Unitec /class stuff, we have a direct separate mail /tool box of web 2.0 stuff that will help facilitate our focus and communication.  
Some have already done this and g-mailed me their g-mail addresses.  "Nice one"

The operations in the Machine Room with my (Group 1) Monday to Wednesday group showed me a group of guys that follow instruction well and have a safe approach to the workshop environment. All members participated in the 'passing of the hat' which prompted good discussion when brainstorming the decoding of the toolbox drawing and the subsequent development of a cutting list.
Our activities where recorded in 'Smart' on the student 'H' drive.

All students' (Groups 1&2) have been asked to complete the Welcome Document writing frame exercise, which asks for a sample of their writing from Draft through to Edited and Published work. This will give me a good start at "knowing my learners".
Their work is due Wednesday 16th March.

I made it clear that the exercise also allowed me to assess their general literacy level when related to the Learning progression around Comprehension, Writing, Editing and ICT skills.
I also indicated that an online session of the National Assessment Tool will also be scheduled for them to undertake.

Welcome Aboard

Hi Team.

This' Blog' is intended as a place for me to; make  mention of events, note particular actions I witness during our work together and 'think out load' in my reflections to you all.

You might call it a Diary.

In nautical terms, it is a type of 'Logbook'.
Historically a 'Logbook' is where a Captain keeps the record of his ships journey.
It is appropriate then that a 'Blog' is in fact a short name for a 'Web Log'.

We can all record our journey throughout this year in our own 'Blogs'.

At times I'll use this 'Blog" to show you things. At other times I may just try things for myself, you might get a laugh at my efforts....I'm fine with that

The point is... I'm not afraid to try stuff.
It's fun.

It also aids communication, interest, enquiry and debate. All things we need in order to 'get to know one another' and promote teamwork.

Join me.