Oh well My group is finished and I have know doubt Matts' guys will finish their tasks well.
There have (as usual) seen a number of both good and poor quality finishes to the tasks. From my perspective the good thing is that, even in the case of a disaster (and most students will experience at least one) the learning is happening.
Student reflections on 'what went wrong' have been honest and the critical analysis is starting to happen.
I've missed a couple of mistakes through being called away to meetings, but 'all in all' I've asked a lot of my group and you've all responded well.
I'm very happy that all students are aware of the absolute need to be safety conscious around the workshop at all times.
This leads us into the next stage of responsibility where students' take control of their 'sign in' JSA (Job Safety Analysis) sheets each morning as a prompt to keep thinking about safety.
I still insist that if a student needs to use a power tool or Woodworking machine out of my line of sight I must be informed and 'IF' I give my approval for the student to proceed, he must be accompanied by another student to go through a 'safety steps' discussion before starting the machine.
There are dangers in getting too 'wide' in the topics, but I'd rather see students' overreaching than not stetching out at all.
I'm probably a little impatient also, as I've been waiting to use this resource with a student group.
Last year it was introduced a little too late in the year to be really effective and we used (in hindsight) the wrong Web 2.0 tool.
Blogs are starting to appear and I've read some good stuff. It surprises me how many students' are happy to follow other group members Blogs right from the start. It is abit more open already than the Blogging experienced with last years group. Good on you all.
Be aware it will be some time before I've gone through this whole process, and if I see any danger signs I will only approach a student on these matters with the 'Strictest Confidentiality'.
Well as I told Hoff, I'm happy to give you some background but you may have to wait for a while.
It is likely I'll just post it in this Blog on a separate page titled:
About Me
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