Progress is slow, but I'm determined that critical thinking should be given a chance to happen within the context of a practical workshop environment.
I'm being a little more hands on at present to help 'bring work on' a little more.
I can see some disappointment around the progress and quality.
I would rather see some mistakes and reality checks now than later in the course.
We have a week up our sleeves, but need to be really committed to success from here on in.
The finished Dory in the photo may inspire the guys to come to grips with thinking out the thwart design and look at the rollock block design. Hmmm.
The student Blog posts have been fantastic as a reference to student understanding when marking their googl-doc portfolios.
I think the Trade Term Wiki needs a rethink to be more effective.
Building its' use around set readings may be the answer? Hmmm... more on this later.
Agree I would wish the pace of the small craft building of the Dory to be faster. However I do gain good pointers in the "just-in-time" learning. The "fear" of making further mistakes is also partly the cause for our pace. Maybe if there was no "outside" owner and rather we "own" the Dory, the the fear would be lesser.