Tuesday, March 8, 2011

1st Week UNITEC Boatbuilding CAT group 2011

Well...... we're off on another year. The new team has started well.
I had both groups combine (Groups 1&2) on their first day.
Canvassing the possibility of us having the freedom of laptop computing is looking good with all students quite OK with the need to have a laptop computer in order to be compatible with each other and "on the same page" as it were.

Students' were asked to create a Google g-mail account using their initials and unitec as the user name.
This is intended as a 'Community of Practice' (COP) concept where, when we are concentrating on Unitec /class stuff, we have a direct separate mail /tool box of web 2.0 stuff that will help facilitate our focus and communication.  
Some have already done this and g-mailed me their g-mail addresses.  "Nice one"

The operations in the Machine Room with my (Group 1) Monday to Wednesday group showed me a group of guys that follow instruction well and have a safe approach to the workshop environment. All members participated in the 'passing of the hat' which prompted good discussion when brainstorming the decoding of the toolbox drawing and the subsequent development of a cutting list.
Our activities where recorded in 'Smart' on the student 'H' drive.

All students' (Groups 1&2) have been asked to complete the Welcome Document writing frame exercise, which asks for a sample of their writing from Draft through to Edited and Published work. This will give me a good start at "knowing my learners".
Their work is due Wednesday 16th March.

I made it clear that the exercise also allowed me to assess their general literacy level when related to the Learning progression around Comprehension, Writing, Editing and ICT skills.
I also indicated that an online session of the National Assessment Tool will also be scheduled for them to undertake.

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