Monday, December 5, 2011

FRP. Some good outcomes.

Oh well, we had some half models finished to the Moulding stage but only one removed from the mould on site.
Two others left UNitec with the Mouldings yet to be de-moulded.
But looking OK.

Many thanks to Alan Wright for allowing us the use of the Lotus 9.2 lines drawings for the FRP projects.
Well done Tobias, Adam and Ben. (Though I know Ben has a bit of pre-release from overly thick gelcoat on keel foil.

Here are some photos of end days stuff.

Parting link from Inchie (Yin Li)

Finished? relative thing that.

 Difficulties abound with the concept of leaving the final due dates for major portfolios hand-in until as late as possible. These difficulties include:

  1.  Students tend to take time out of the practical experiences in the workshop (which is where they get evidence to complete 'portfolio of evidence') in order to rush portfolio docs. (poor scheduling)
  2. Students therefore need to be aware of their efficient use of time planning throughout the year in both allowing time for the practical 'timetabled' contact and the self directed time needed to complete portfolio building reflection and readings. (This is pointed out to them often but...)
  3. Students' tend to bring late or very late work to their tutors on or near the last day of the course. This is unacceptable but... Do we follow Unitec policy or allow some slack? How would i feel if I worked hard to complete on time and then find a 'slacker' had been allowed to hand work in late? Student success and retention? is it a real record?
These reflections are the sort of issue the students are well aware of. Some, indeed, play up/take advantage of the complexities involved to gain some leverage. Tutors, after all, are not policemen.

I need to address these issues before I 'kick off' with next years' group.

The down side for this year is...We lost approx three weeks work in finishing the Wilson 8M Launch. This takes some of the gloss off an otherwise terrific project. 


Monday, November 14, 2011

Where does all the Time go?

It's interesting how when students' start to undertake the portfolio for the Boat Construction course, all of a sudden I get asked, "Hey Merf, the learning outcome that says "Plan the building process" does that mean we have to work out what to do?"

Reply: YEP.

I've guided the team into taking control of the project as much as possible. This is not without its' risks, but long term it forces the guys to Think ahead, Communicate, Record actions and materials etc... The challenge is theirs, not mine.

I see some good progress.

The LO "Plan the building process" therefore requires some hindsight/reflection of a prior experience in boat building. Ideally this would come from the small craft build experiences, because it is hard to plan with out some experience.

Unfortunately for some participants the small craft projects were anything but smooth sailing experiences as far as working in a team, may fractions and in-fighting had a devastating effect upon the teams. Not all was lost... just some growing up to do in one or two cases. Fortunately this did happen and some deep soul searching redirected these members back on track.
Perhaps the recognition that we seldom chose who we directly work with is a timely eye opener.
This difficulty aside, it has still placed some students behind 'where I would have hoped'  in developing their construction skills.

The experience has happened now (partly in the Boat Construction project) and the planing is now over to the students. A good facilitator should 'back off' in order for the independents to be allowed to happen. A nervous time to be sure. Experiencing the chaos is a term often heard. It actually is a valuable part of the learning process.

The final foam cores and outer laminates for the side decks are urgent, as is the window flange secondary laminates.
Some initial fairing of cabin surfaces has started and this I hope will be shared around, as "real world" grunt work is the reality for many starters in the marine industry.

One frustrating area is around student attendances, or lack there of. 
This can mean the difference between success and failure of the project goals we have set ourselves. 

In general we have some guys arriving late every day, some absent without even informing fellow students that they will be away. 

Fortunately we have a nucleus of guys that are regularly here and it shows in their attitudes and abilities. Good for you guys, you know who you are.

Time for all to dig in and stop mucking about. There are few if any of the processes between now and the end of the year that are new to any of you.

I get very impatient when I know the tasks are do-able by the students' without my regular input, but I still get guys asking questions they know the answers to. Hmmmm?

The photo to the left is early afternoon, the guys, (without much input from me) have finally set themselves to task. The sidedeck foam core and vacuum bagging. Only about 2 hours late.

We have three weeks including this week to complete the project.
That equates to only 7.5 days plus any time saved in the Wednesday FRP practicum work which is only piecework from here. I have outlined the processes now we just have to do it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

USU Rate My Course.

Hi Guys.

below is a link you may wish to use.
it gives you a voice to rate the six courses you are undertaking in the CAT Boatbuilding.
This is facility that the student USU sets up as an independent  means for student voice.

You'll need your student login to participate.

This is also separate from the in-house feedback questionnaires i send out in google forms to you all.

Jobs yet to do Wilson 8m

The items below are to give you a general overview of the jobs yet to do on the boat.
I'm taking this from the expected stage we should attain by the end of this week.
The list therefore is from your fist day back after the midterm break.
We do not have a 'work experience week' available, so return to Unitec will be the 24th October.

In general, the below jobs already have set to be done by certain students.
it is obvious that each of these topics and 'jobs to be done' are more complicated than the short description outlined here.
It is incumbent on each student to identify the more detailed events around each job and acknowledge the learning these jobs have promoted by writing it up. E.g. Blogs, portfolios, Collaborative google-docs, etc...


fairing of all foam cores fitted to date.
Insert edging pieces and manually fit..
Inner laminate for the side decks.
Cores vacuum bagged for the side decks.
Side deck foam cores faired.
Cabin top outer laminates. This includes extra laminates to produce a flange for the window rebates.
Foredeck outer laminates.
side decks outer laminates.
Filling and fairing entire outside surfaces of deck and cabin tops. This includes replacing the window pattens to build an edge for fairing to the shape.
Trim accurate rebate window areas.
Temporary splashes (cradle) for the deck/cabin to sit in in the hotbox.
Removal of product from mould.
Placing in the hotbox for post curing.

Hull and interior:

Water tank area. hatches, Seacocks, water pipe run,
Head area doors, plinth, cabinet, fwd berth entrance trim, stiffener on fwd bulkhead.
cabinet top and basin.
Fuel tank fitted and held. Cabin sole glued in sheathed filled and faired.
Allowance for removable bottom of galley return piping etc...
galley bench sink fitting, cooker shelf and locker below. gas bottle shelf and outboard venturii vent.
Battery locker and seat plinth.
dropped sole over water piping, glued, sheathed and filled and faired.
Steering helm location and items.
hydraulic tubing ran, wiring loom run aft and to battery box.
access through bulkhead into head cabinet for hidden cabling.
Transducer fitted aft under engine locker,
Engine locker glassing and items fitted filled and faired.
coving all areas.
Aft boarding step and quarter badge.
Aft boarding door cutouts.
Fwd (anchor) bulkhead coved and glass taped with EDB430-100 tape. filled and faired.
Underside of gunwale small cove to tidy.

Hull /Deck joining:

Scribing bulkheads and fitting deck to the hull.
Gluing and fastening to the hull.
cleanup and coving inside join. Glass taping?
outboard gunwale toerail/belting?

General Filling, Fairing. undercoating (probably with roller sleeves)

4-10-11 Wilson 8M

Welcome back to Ogi and Dylan.
Adman should be back from the Barrier today...
The team has a goal that must be reached this week.
The inner laminate for the fwd cabin and the foam core must be done by Wednesday night.
Some of the team on the Hull can be spared to work with the Deck team to achieve this.

Inchie, Tiger, William and John however need to keep the Hull fit-out going.
John, water tank.
Tiger, Head area,
William, Companionway door,
Inchie (Yin) Engine box and locker. we have to place a transducer below this area now. Richard will supply.

The EDB430-1270 laminating glass is due to arrive this morning so there isn't any hold up.
Hoff and Lim have cut all the glass we had available for the foredeck lams. While Leon kept going with the foam pre-fitting.
Stephane, Ben, Dylan, Ogi and Leon are all available to get the foam finished.
The edges, where we have the rounded mould are to have the foam core kept back from the edge.  We will secondary bond manually these pieces.
Ogi and Leon are underway getting the edge treatment for the fwd coaming windows foam core.

The substrate surface of the mould has some major contamination. This will need a carefull light sanding before we can wax the surface. Hoff has masked off the flange fwd of the screen area.
The inner laminate must be done today.

Lets keep the shop clean....

Monday, October 3, 2011

FRP and General boat repair resource site.

I've got a link here you might all gain knowledge from.
Think of this site in relation to the work youa re all doing with your boat construction projects and your FRP half model work.

There are many sites on the can be overwhelming.

But here is another one that Chris Lovegrove discovered, I like it.

Update. Wilson 8M

Just a little reminder from last Wednesdays end of day.
I was called away with a student that needed some updating on assessment event timeline info. I was only in the tutor resource room but...

Well this week we again have students arriving late for workshop sessions.

Some late...some no disabled, oh well, that's not good.

William is progressing on the companionway door and frames.

Ben is working on the sub sole hatch in the helm area.

Stephane is getting the helm station box finished.

John is looking at the fwd fresh water tankage area.

Yin is getting there with the engine box arrangement.
I think we may use some of the EDBM for taping around the engine box area before the boatcloth and filling/coving.

James has a broken hand from league in the weekend and has gone home.

Tiger is busy with the head cabinet and pan plinth. The cabinet door has been cut out and the bench top doublers are being considered.

The transducer for the Chart plotter speed log is going under the aft locker area and this is another job to add to Yins' list of jobs. He may need to share some of this workload with Tiger?

Lim, Leon, Hoff are sorting out the fwd cabin for glass cloths and waxing.
They have calculated that we need a further 21M x EDB430-1270 to cover all laminates to the end.
Richard is going to get the glass for them tomorrow morning, this is good.

The foam is nearly fully fitted and labelled for the forward areas..


The link below takes you to a very good free online resource that will allow you to input as an individual, or as a member of a team, a timeline and resources chart. It is compatible with MS Project and Google docs etc...

It looks very promising. Download it and try it.

Perhaps try it in retrospectively analysis of your efforts and timing with either the Small Craft project or the Boat Construction Wilson 8M Project.

There is a series of videos to help familiarize yourselves with the format and tools within this program.
You don't need to download it onto your computer. it is another CLOUD computing system, just like Youtube or Picasa-Web.

possible hatch for steering console

Serada is Richard's preference here, so below is the info:


Overall 380mm x 280mm (O.D.)
            310mm x 210mm (C.O)

Friday, September 30, 2011

Planimeter video

Here is a good example of a planimeter in use. This is the same tool we can use for body plan half areas.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Stuff to help you achieve TTEC3000 outcomes

The following links all allow student's to assess their own learning styles. This is often very empowering for anyone to discover. Knowing oneself in turn may help recognize strengths (or otherwise) in other members of your group or community.

Each TTEC3000 student should undertake at least one of the following Learning Styles assessment  samples and discuss within your group portfolio, your understanding.

My intention is to give you all some sites or readings to use to help you fulfull your learning outcomes for the TTEC3000 course.
Much can be gained from the Theory CD in your Unitec student H:// drive.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Waxing mould, Glassing inner Laminate

Well this week is full on.

The guys are under the pump to achieve.
We need to finish cutting edge glueing and edge treating the foam core inserts.
Wax the mould,
Cut the glass,
Laminate the first (inner) laminate, Wet lam not vacuumed.
Make the vac bag.
Bond the foam core.

Good news: Everyone here is working well as a team.
Room for improvement.
Some students' believe they can arrive whenever they wish and NOT miss out on something.
Some absentees.

The interior items are on hold during the mould work as it is an "all hands on deck" process.
The interior team have progressed well in the last week or two. The tank pattern is good.
Gunwhale is coming along well.
Console is getting closer,
helm seat battery bank nearly located.
Galley setup making sense.
Outboard well looking good.
The companionway door and Head area is also progressing nicely.

The Quarter badge concept is looking good. The cutting list and placing is on track. Where is...?

Students' must be aware that non attendance will come back to haunt them.How can you show evidence of your achievements, or gain any depth of understanding when you aren't here?
There are too many guys falling into bad attendance habits.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wilson 8M update 14-9-2011

The guys are away and running again on the Wilson 8M.
The teams have stabilized into good productive responsible learners.
There had been times I was fearful that I had expected too much of these young men but...
as a wise man once said "learning takes time".

The first Wilson 8M boat (which had two CAT student groups involvement) has hit the water and is being represented in the Auckland International Boat Show.
Congratulations Richard Wilson.

A path to the picasaweb album, to view the maiden voyage and snaps, is:

Half model Plug

The Lotus 9.2 M half model work is back on track with all students sharing (in teams) the 5 suitable timber hull forms shaped by Tobias, Ben, Adam, Stephan and Tiger.

We brainstormed and negotiated, as a full class, the processes we need to consider to enable us to complete our goal of building fibreglass half models for each student.
Notes to this brainstorming session are saved on the student H:/drive under 2011 CAT theory notes (FRP folder)

Breaking into small groups (Lead by student's named above) students where able to take responsibility for specific tasks.
These task outcomes build to make a complete outcome.
These tasks and the conversations around them are to be recorded within the small groups Googledocs shared between each other and with tutors. (Both Brett and Richard as a minimum)

Each Wednesday morning the two classes will collaboratively work on the FRP outcomes inherent in these activities.

The following URL addresses are links to the 5 student group Googledocs.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Wilson 8M project "Prep for week 2"

The "openproj" timeline document is located on the student drive in the following location

J:\APSK\MarineTech\CAT\Merf\Wilson 8M Composite deck

It should be recognized this timeline is a work "in-progress" at this early stage, and must not be altered.
It is available to students' as appropriate. The student will need to have the extension software to access.
(This is a free download.)

TTEC3000 Professional development

Check this out.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wilson 8M project week 1.

Our first week back together has fired everyone up for the main boat construction project.

Discussion between tutor/student/designer has been engaging.
Student thought processes are evident in the desire to drill down to some specifics in order to finalise some details.
Students' are taking ownership and responsibilities for the large variety of construction being undertaken.
The foam core team are working together with some designation of responsibilities being sought by the tutor and accepted by individuals and groups. An example is Gomez undertaking to be the 'materials' record keeper.
Hoff has undertaken to produce a schematic plan for location of all foam core inserts and ensure labelling of these parts.
As a whole the team are shaping the foam core pieces prior to the mould surface being prepared for laminating.
The difference between the mould gunwale and the hull gunwale has been investigated and plotted to ensure we don't waste materials.

The chosen power unit will be the Honda 90 4 stroke.

The instrumentation is the standard for this power unit with the only electrics/electronics subsequent to this being the switch panel (house power, nav lights etc...) and the Advanced Trident Simrad MX40 Plotter/GPS/Sounder. The water temp, speed log, and depth transducer is the combined through hull type.

The specifications around these materials are necessary in order for the students to plan their work.
Adam, Tiger, Stephan, John and William have already noticed the interrelationships of the areas they are tasked with developing.

The hydraulic steering helm considerations are to include the following hydraulic system.

Also in the Lusty and Blundle catalogue we can fine the vetus HTP30 Hydraulic helm system (as an alternative)
and the wheel is a Vetus KS36

The head is likely to be as Jabsco 12V compact and that is also found on the Lusty and Blundle website..

Adam has information about the Serada cooker and the Ice boxes are on site.

The Portside Icebox is to be set longitudinally as we developed to support the smaller return sink unit design.
The sink bench will now have the water tank outboard allowing for the stowage of goods below the cooker.

Discussions that I have subsequently had with Richard has brought to light some other information and decisions he requires.
An example is that both bulkhead companionway openings need to be relocated further to starboard. This allows more room for galley equipment and less area for the helm station. (About 160mm shift)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Here's a new tool you should investigate.

This is the tool I demonstrated to you on our theory class morning.

another I might take a look at is known as "jing"

Friday, June 24, 2011

Info around student software purchase opportunity.

Hi fellows.
I noticed on the Unitec Nest the following  advertisment.

Check it out.
I know some of you are interested in MS software such as; MS Powerpoint , MS Project etc...

Moodle Te Puna Ako - Learning Centre: helps with reading and report writing

I encourage students to use the tools in this site as a means to more fully understand and respond to the readings I set you to undertake.

The readings I set you are to give you more background and knowledge "up front" so that discussions are often based around a prior knowledge, both from your experiences as people and new knowledge as learners.

Last week in the Theory session I set you all the challenge/task of reading the "Temporary and Permanent Mould frames" chapter of the Gougeon Bros on Boat Construction text book (Course required reading).
I expect you all to Blog a report on your views of this reading. This Blog post may then be used (or parts of it if you prefer) in your portfolio of evidence for the "Small Craft Build" course.

A very good resource to help with this task is:.

I am happy to open this site up for debate and exploration during our next Theory session (Wednesday)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Small Craft progress

Progress is slow, but I'm determined that critical thinking should be given a chance to happen within the context of a practical workshop environment.

I'm being a little more hands on at present to help 'bring work on' a little more.

I can see some disappointment around the progress and quality.

I would rather see some mistakes and reality checks now than later in the course.

We have a week up our sleeves, but need to be really committed to success from here on in.

The finished Dory in the photo may inspire the guys to come to grips with thinking out the thwart design and look at the rollock block design. Hmmm.

The student Blog posts have been fantastic as a reference to student understanding when marking their googl-doc portfolios.

I think the Trade Term Wiki needs a rethink to be more effective.
Building its' use around set readings may be the answer? Hmmm... more on this later.

Marking of Intro to Boat (in -prog)

I'm in the process of marking student Introduction to Boatbuilding e-portfoilio's produced in google-docs.
I'm really pleased with what I'm seeing.
As usual however I decided to place the feedback AND the marking criteria and grade into each students' google doc.

This (I thought) was going well.
Upon having a conversation or two today, I realise I'd better have another think about the process.
Oh the woes of a 'digital immigrant'. At times I feel more akin to an 'ignorant digit-ist'.
I guess I'll get it right in the end.

I have high hopes that as the system is opened up fully we might be able to better setup resources as templates and avoid re-learning items of little moment.

I've still got some time to mark.
Other pressures on me as a learner are taking there toll and time is compressing. "See" students  I have exactly the same issues of 'time being a measure of work' that you all do.
Guess it's time to prioritise again.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

'Intro to Boatbuilding' Portfolios received via Googledocs

Well it has been good to go online and have the chance to give feedback as the rush for all students' to make the due date, has meant most have been online during the day and well into the night.
Hours can evaporate when viewing these activities online with some in some good discussions and distance communications.
I even had some text chats inside the googledocs as students worked. (synchronous communication) I was able to leave some (hopefully) timely comments for students' that were not online at the time of my viewing (asynchronous) and had an occasion to have a  google video chat with a student. (poor web cam my end cut the visuals short).

I've had comment from students' during our F2F contract practical work thanking me for comments to help prompt full coverage of content needed for the portfolio. This is very gratifying. A thank you is always nice to receive.

Your welcome!

It does throw some light on the fact that my working hours will need to be negotiated with Unitec (the policy for working at home is a little stiff)

I had one of Matts' students still using googledoc's as his word processor and during a (synchronous) chat inside his googledoc he stated that he was told by matt to hand his work in 'Hardcopy'.
This however didn't prevent us from having some discussion which hopefully gave the student some guidance.

Most work that I have seen is of good to very good quality.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Project Management

Hi team.
I recognise that there is a reluctance to use 'open proj' web 2.0 tools for project timelines etc... there is also a difficulty in using ms project as some of you have trouble getting access to this programme away from Unitec.

I've been looking at some of the google doc free web 2.0 templates and have found the following.
perhaps you could give me some feedback as to how useful you see them being?
It may be a means to an ends for us.

Google Docs stuff

Turtle asked how to wrap text around a picture inserted into your portfolio google doc.

here is a link that may help.

Fantastic discussions are happening inside the google docs as the time available before portfolio due date.
Thanks Leon for uploading some more photos into picasa.

Blooms Taxonomy (Terrific Matrix)

The below Blooms Taxonomy is set out in a very clever transparent and user friendly manner.
It should help students to understand the staging of their learning. You may recognise which step you are on.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Small Craft Build underway

We are off and running,

We have three small craft projeects within Merfs' CAT gorup.
4.0 M Dory.
2.5 M Dinghy.

Each of these projects have google docs as places for student collaborative discussion and recording.
They are:
4.0 M DORY

The need for students' to discover analyse and communicate information in order to build their small craft has brought into play the capabilities learned in their Boatbuilding course to date.
AutoCAD and Lofting skills are being used daily to enable transfer of knowledge from one literacy (design/theoretical) into practical literacy (building).

We have discussed and changed some design and build processes through student growing understanding.
An example might be allowing students' to discover and decide where the frames to their boats are positioned in relation to the station lines e.g. fwd or aft of the lines.
Another example is the Pippie deisgn where we decided to rearrange the building jig to allow some secure holding for the transom bow. Changing the lap method along the garboard to topsides join is also a velopment that is testing student resolve and critical development.

The following stuff is from a classroom discussion and session around embedding into blogger.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

AutoCAD and Lofting roundup.

Most students are showing good skills in the AutoCAd environment.
There have been two or three guys that have taken more time than others to attain the level whereby the user of the programme are able to draw what they wish to draw freely.

I've collected in all my groups student DWGs and will mark them as I mark the portfolio.
Matthew has marked his student work during the sessions and has only taken hard-copies as evidence of student capability.

I'm seeing signs of AutoCAD being used to look for information around our small craft projects.
This is terrific, and exactly why we learn AutoCAD in the first place.
Searching and analysis of drawings and other data is a critical skill for all manufacturing minded activities.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Follow my Blog and then each other

Please be aware that you should follow my Blog.

I will at times give instructions and links to stuff you may find interesting.

Just click on the FOLLOW button and follow the instructions.

You should also follow each others Blogs.

At present I see only 20 students are following my Blog.
Some of these students don't have their own Blog yet, though most do.

If you are having trouble setting things up. I will be around Unitec 27-29 April and will be available to help all students that want a bit of one-on-one tuition to get going etc...

g-mails you should have noted.

sent to all students 20-4-11

Hi All,
As you progress with your Trade Term Wiki.
I want you all to update the descriptions you already have placed and look at other students' work.
I need to see some discussions around these terms.
I want to see at least one discussion from each of you on someone else's trade term.
be aware that critique is to be mindful of peoples feelings. be nice, but be honest.

sent to all students 19-4-11

Hi Guys,
I'll be at work for the second week of the term break.
27th April - 30th April.
You have my gmail address and my office extension is 8702. (unitec 8154321)
I recognise some of you have some catching up to do.
There may be some lofting and drawing that needs to use Unitec resources to achieve.
I will be available (not completely) to help you access the resources and guide.
Be aware I also have other work to undertake.
The good thing is that there is very little in the way of safety issues around the resources you need to use, so some self directed work is quite acceptable.
Please contact me before you come in so that I may be sure to allow you access.
I advise any of you to take this opportunity if you need to catch up. Time not something we get more of.
Best regards

sent to students 18-4-11

Hi Team,

This group gmail is just to catchup.

I'm presenting at a symposium this week Wednesday, and will show a snapshot of how we are using Blogs and the Trade Terms Wikispace to start our journey.
Please update as much as you can of the Trade terms doc.

I'm also placing some Blog Posts in my Blog 

to help you When it comes to putting video into your Blogs.
Many of you have yet to post anything much?

How about getting stuck into it over the break?


Monday, April 18, 2011

Google Docs for Small Craft Projects.

Hey there,

You should all have received an invitation to work in a google doc that is related to your own small group projects.
I'll drop links and suggestions into these g-docs as time goes by.
We should recognise that any drawings or plans are to be used once only in our Unitec project work.
Copyright insists we don't use them again privately.

If you have a good discussion in these g-docs it may mean that you have a basis for your '' spreadsheet that defines your roles in the project.
Timeline and responsibilities are not easy to determine, so be sure to set one '' spreadsheet as a "baseline" and another as an (in-progress) spreadsheet.

Adding video

The following link will open a Youtube video that shows you how to
add a video into your Blog. (download from Youtube)
It'll make reading your Blog more interesting.

A Youtube account is a good asset for you to place your video into the 'Cloud'. This means you can access your video from any computer with internet access. It also means you save space in your own computer hard drive.
The below link will guide you to creating your own Youtube account. It's free.

An even better outcome is for you to 'Upload' to Youtube, a video showing your classroom/workshop activities that you can then add to the blog. This makes your Blog very personalised and relevant.
The link below will help you achieve this.

You will sometimes find Youtube videos that don't allow embedding. These videos can be linked into your blog by simply copying the URL address from the web address line and paste this into your "compose" text of your Blog editor.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lofting and Drawing

Well, we are more aware now of the lines and interaction of lines used in describing the shape of a vessel.
We a going to get a deep understnding of how we will be able to use these lines in the constrution of frames and conponents in building our boats.
There have been several very good Loftings within our group.

Matts' group has in the meantime experiened AutoCAD as a tool.

One of these Loftings is being chosen as The Lofting we will use to build our 2.5 M Dinghy in our 'Small Craft Build' course.

Likewise we have discussed the 7.3 M lines drawing as a tool to develop understanding of the Calculations of Displacement, Center of Bouyancy, and Center of Lateral Area.

It is my intention that we also use the 7.3 M vessel as a means for us to build a half model Plug, Mould, and Moulding (product) for outcomes in our 'Composites' course.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Intro to Boatbuilding concludes. 24-3-2011

Oh well My group is finished and I have know doubt Matts' guys will finish their tasks well.

There have (as usual) seen a number of both good and poor quality finishes to the tasks. From my perspective the good thing is that, even in the case of a disaster (and most students will experience at least one) the learning is happening.
Student reflections on 'what went wrong' have been honest and the critical analysis is starting to happen.
I've missed a couple of mistakes through being called away to meetings, but 'all in all' I've asked a lot of my group and you've all responded well.
I'm very happy that all students are aware of the absolute need to be safety conscious around the workshop at all times.
This leads us into the next stage of responsibility where students' take control of their 'sign in' JSA (Job Safety Analysis) sheets each morning as a prompt to keep thinking about safety.
I still insist that if a student needs to use a power tool or Woodworking machine out of my line of sight I must be informed and 'IF' I give my approval for the student to proceed, he must be accompanied by another student to go through a 'safety steps' discussion before starting the machine.

I'm absolutely "Rapped" at the beginnings of the Trade Term WIKI. It looks like we'll have plenty to discuss.
There are dangers in getting too 'wide' in the topics, but I'd rather see students' overreaching than not stetching out at all.
I'm probably a little impatient also, as I've been waiting to use this resource with a student group.
Last year it was introduced a little too late in the year to be really effective and we used (in hindsight) the wrong Web 2.0 tool.
Blogs are starting to appear and I've read some good stuff. It surprises me how many students' are happy to follow other group members Blogs right from the start. It is abit more open already than the Blogging experienced with last years group. Good on you all.

Finally, Hoff asked me if I'd care to outline my background somewhat as I have asked you all to do for me with the L4L Welcome document directive where you gave me three paragraphs (from a suggested writing frame)  your Drafts, Editing and Publishing skills are then used as a sample we can evaluate for you, to look for any "at risk" signs that may then suggest we help you with a learning intervention.
Be aware it will be some time before I've gone through this whole process, and if I see any danger signs I will only approach a student on these matters with the 'Strictest Confidentiality'.

Well as I told Hoff, I'm happy to give you some background but you may have to wait for a while.

It is likely I'll just post it in this Blog on a separate page titled:
About Me

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Intro to Boatbuilding Update 21-3-11

I've been a bit remiss in updating last weeks activities.
The toolboxes are now completed and we went through the peer and tutor grading process today.
Some guys where dreading it. generally I find students tend to mark themselves and colleagues more stringently than tutors do. (but don't take liberties)
Some pretty good boxes with the odd 'roughy'. Very encouraging to see James get stuck in again.

The next thing I'm hoping to see is some Blog entries that firstly record the activities involved in producing the toolboxes and then some reflective comments on "What I Learned" from the experience. This we call "Reflection" and you may be surprised how similar your experiences are to other members of the group. You'll never know until you post it in your Blog.

A hold up in the delivery process of Victorian Oak for the Oilstone boxes meant we started the Trammels out of sequence but the team came to grips with this well.

I believe a greater disturbance to our work-flow has been the need for me to attend  various"meetings", when my preference is to be doing the contact teaching. Here I have support of my CAT Boatbuilding teaching colleagues.
I do wonder what students' think of meetings eating into their tutors contact time with them? Hmmm.

Trade Terms. WIKI.

Some students have migrated into posting some pages in the Wiki, but we need more.
I must establish a Rubric (have colleagues helping me get this right) that shows students the value/relevance in doing this.
I've asked, at his stage, for each student to post 'Naming' word (e.g Chisel) and one 'Action' word per week in order to get the ball rolling. As the programme progresses this requirement will increase, so please get into it now while you have time to develop skills.

Finally, this Wednesday I need to get a sign-off from all students for their attendance to date.
Matthew and I have kept stringent details and the Management team need to see these signed off.

From this point onwards students have been directed to read and sign the Job Safety analysis sheet every morning before touching any tools. You should be pleased to have reached this stage as it indicates that I trust you more fully with shop machines. It is also a responsibility you must take seriously.
Health and Safety is paramount in all workshops.
It is then totally appropriate to have a CAT student Challenge a BAT student for entering the workshop in "Jandals".
Nice one Ogi.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pre-Week 2 info.

I thought it appropriate to note here for any students' that are racing ahead and setting up blogs.
"Bogger" is the application I wish you to use. It is found within the Google g-mail system by going to "more' then "even more" in the file menu line.
The "Blogger" application registration is very straight forward to action. Again keep everything G-mail oriented please.

Please! name the blog with your name first and Unitec in the title e.g. BRETTUNITEC.
This will aid me in being able to manage the large number of blogs our groups produce.
I don't like missing anyone out.

Finally... a good number of you have already made a g-mail account and I thank you. In the interest of building a good group environment lets be sure to get everyone on board before we get too deeply into our use of the Web 2.0 Tools.

Anyone that wants an extra curricular activity might investigate the many different Web 2.0 "Cloud" bookmarking applications available and share your findings in class.
I've used Diigo, Delicious, feedsquares and dropbox.
I've also just been informed that "Googlebookmarks" is a very sound application also.I've not used it so I'll look at it over the weekend and evaluate for myself.
(quite likely the one to use as the person that suggested I look at it is a bit of a wiz)


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

1st Week UNITEC Boatbuilding CAT group 2011

Well...... we're off on another year. The new team has started well.
I had both groups combine (Groups 1&2) on their first day.
Canvassing the possibility of us having the freedom of laptop computing is looking good with all students quite OK with the need to have a laptop computer in order to be compatible with each other and "on the same page" as it were.

Students' were asked to create a Google g-mail account using their initials and unitec as the user name.
This is intended as a 'Community of Practice' (COP) concept where, when we are concentrating on Unitec /class stuff, we have a direct separate mail /tool box of web 2.0 stuff that will help facilitate our focus and communication.  
Some have already done this and g-mailed me their g-mail addresses.  "Nice one"

The operations in the Machine Room with my (Group 1) Monday to Wednesday group showed me a group of guys that follow instruction well and have a safe approach to the workshop environment. All members participated in the 'passing of the hat' which prompted good discussion when brainstorming the decoding of the toolbox drawing and the subsequent development of a cutting list.
Our activities where recorded in 'Smart' on the student 'H' drive.

All students' (Groups 1&2) have been asked to complete the Welcome Document writing frame exercise, which asks for a sample of their writing from Draft through to Edited and Published work. This will give me a good start at "knowing my learners".
Their work is due Wednesday 16th March.

I made it clear that the exercise also allowed me to assess their general literacy level when related to the Learning progression around Comprehension, Writing, Editing and ICT skills.
I also indicated that an online session of the National Assessment Tool will also be scheduled for them to undertake.

Welcome Aboard

Hi Team.

This' Blog' is intended as a place for me to; make  mention of events, note particular actions I witness during our work together and 'think out load' in my reflections to you all.

You might call it a Diary.

In nautical terms, it is a type of 'Logbook'.
Historically a 'Logbook' is where a Captain keeps the record of his ships journey.
It is appropriate then that a 'Blog' is in fact a short name for a 'Web Log'.

We can all record our journey throughout this year in our own 'Blogs'.

At times I'll use this 'Blog" to show you things. At other times I may just try things for myself, you might get a laugh at my efforts....I'm fine with that

The point is... I'm not afraid to try stuff.
It's fun.

It also aids communication, interest, enquiry and debate. All things we need in order to 'get to know one another' and promote teamwork.

Join me.